In Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32D While doing OTA we are getting following error from function esp_ota_end(out_handle).
<ESC>_[0;32mI (48334) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00110020 vaddr=3f400020 size=29630h (169520) map<ESC>_[0m<CR><LF>
<ESC>_[0;31mE (48394) esp_image: invalid segment length 0x8a4013bc<ESC>_[0m<CR><LF>
<ESC>_[0;32mI (48404) OTA DBG: OTA End Error<CR>
1. Example of OTA testing "esp-idf /examples/ system/ota " ? 2. Please use the simple_ota_example(In ESP-IDF) to test over "HTTP Server" for OTA. You can refer to the "ESP32 HTTP OTA test " guide .
1. Example of OTA testing “esp-idf /examples/ system/ota ” ?
2. Please use the simple_ota_example(In ESP-IDF) to test over “HTTP Server” for OTA. You can refer to the “ESP32 HTTP OTA test ” guide .
See less1. Example for OTA is "esp-idf /examples/ system/ota " ? 2. Please use the simple_ota_example(In ESP-IDF) to test over "HTTP Server" for OTA. You can refer to the "ESP32 HTTP OTA test " guide .
1. Example for OTA is “esp-idf /examples/ system/ota ” ?
2. Please use the simple_ota_example(In ESP-IDF) to test over “HTTP Server” for OTA. You can refer to the “ESP32 HTTP OTA test ” guide .
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