When esp_mqtt_client_start was caleed, it takes 7 seconds to return connected state. Then I set up that it took lower than 1 second to connect from the launch to return OK. Is there any way to shorten the time ahead?
Have you added the CGC driver, and started the Main Oscillator before calling R_CAN_Open()? err = R_CGC_Open (&g_cgc0_ctrl, &g_cgc0_cfg); if (FSP_SUCCESS != err) { __BKPT(0); //TODO better error handling } err = R_CGC_ClockStart (&g_cgc0_ctrl, CGC_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC, NULL); if (FSP_SUCCESS !Read more
Have you added the CGC driver, and started the Main Oscillator before calling R_CAN_Open()?
err = R_CGC_Open (&g_cgc0_ctrl, &g_cgc0_cfg);
if (FSP_SUCCESS != err)
__BKPT(0); //TODO better error handling
err = R_CGC_ClockStart (&g_cgc0_ctrl, CGC_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC, NULL);
if (FSP_SUCCESS != err)
__BKPT(0); //TODO better error handling
err = R_CGC_ClockCheck(&g_cgc0_ctrl, CGC_CLOCK_MAIN_OSC);
}while(FSP_ERR_NOT_STABILIZED == err);
if (FSP_SUCCESS != err)
__BKPT(0); //TODO better error handling
/* Initialize CAN module */
err = R_CAN_Open(&g_can0_ctrl, &g_can0_cfg);
/* Error trap */
if(FSP_SUCCESS != err)
__BKPT(0); //TODO better error handling
hello, It isn't experiencing a "bottleneck" problem. I believe that every time his device reconnects to the wifi, there is a delay. The amount of time it takes to connect to wifi can vary depending on your proximity to the network and can take several seconds. I experienced the same issue witRead more
It isn’t experiencing a “bottleneck” problem. I believe that every time his device reconnects to the wifi, there is a delay. The amount of time it takes to connect to wifi can vary depending on your proximity to the network and can take several seconds.
I experienced the same issue with remote sensors that required deep sleep in order to conserve battery. It was necessary for a sensor to re-connect to the network after an incident that caused it to awaken from deep slumber. The system as a whole was slowed down by the normalisation of connection time required for sensor synchronisation. Espressif’s ESP-Now is the answer it offers to this specific issue.
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