Hello everyone. I’ve written a code that uses SWD pins as GPIO, but the code doesn’t work. My question is Can we use SWD protocol pins( clock and data) that are dedicated for debug purposes as GPIO? If Yes, What’s the affiliated setting for using those pins as GPIO in the code?
Thanks for your time.
Hi, SWD pins may be used as general-purpose IOs, but this change has to be done only after you program your device. Are you following this flow? You may use the XMC_GPIO_Init () API to initialize the SWD pin as GPIO. It should be noted that debug functionality can not be used when SWD lines are confRead more
SWD pins may be used as general-purpose IOs, but this change has to be done only after you program your device. Are you following this flow? You may use the XMC_GPIO_Init () API to initialize the SWD pin as GPIO.
It should be noted that debug functionality can not be used when SWD lines are configured as GPIOs.
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