In reference manual of Renesas RH850/P1x microcontroller I want to know more about Clock Configuration for this device. CKSCnCTL — Clock Selection Control Register n (n = 0, 1) CKSCnCTL— Clock Selection Status Register n (n = 0, 1) CLKDnDIV — Clock Division Register n (n = 0, 1) CLKDnSTAT — Clock Status Register n (n = 0, 1). Here two control registers 0 and 1 (CKSC0CTL and CKSC1CTL) are available. So, which one I have to select to configure for clock selection and when should I use CKSC0CTL or CKSC1CTL.
Please take a glance to the diagram 12.1 in the User's Manual: There are two clock output pins available (0 & 1). Therefore, also two sets of registers are available.
Please take a glance to the diagram 12.1 in the User’s Manual: There are two clock output pins available (0 & 1). Therefore, also two sets of registers are available.
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