When esp_mqtt_client_start was caleed, it takes 7 seconds to return connected state. Then I set up that it took lower than 1 second to connect from the launch to return OK. Is there any way to shorten the time ahead?
Avs Mohan
Asked: August 19, 20222022-08-19T11:37:29+05:30 2022-08-19T11:37:29+05:30In: Wireless Connectivity
MQTT Starts Too Slow
hello, It isn't experiencing a "bottleneck" problem. I believe that every time his device reconnects to the wifi, there is a delay. The amount of time it takes to connect to wifi can vary depending on your proximity to the network and can take several seconds. I experienced the same issue witRead more
It isn’t experiencing a “bottleneck” problem. I believe that every time his device reconnects to the wifi, there is a delay. The amount of time it takes to connect to wifi can vary depending on your proximity to the network and can take several seconds.
I experienced the same issue with remote sensors that required deep sleep in order to conserve battery. It was necessary for a sensor to re-connect to the network after an incident that caused it to awaken from deep slumber. The system as a whole was slowed down by the normalisation of connection time required for sensor synchronisation. Espressif’s ESP-Now is the answer it offers to this specific issue.
See lessThe first thing you will need to do is create a Gateway using a single ESP32. The gateway receives ESP- Now from your sensors/devices( using the ESP32 AP interface), is connected to WiFi( using the ESP32 STA interface) and on the data to the MQTT broker. ESP- Now transferring devices can request anRead more
The first thing you will need to do is create a Gateway using a single ESP32. The gateway receives ESP- Now from your sensors/devices( using the ESP32 AP interface), is connected to WiFi( using the ESP32 STA interface) and on the data to the MQTT broker. ESP- Now transferring devices can request an acknowledgement( ACK) from the gateway. The total ESP- Now connect to ACK is around 25ms; this is constant whether a request for ACK is set” True”, or” False”. Because the Gateway always stays connected to the WiFi- network there’s no network connection pause( your 7 secs).
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