When two LoRa modules cannot communicate with each other, what are the steps for failure detection?
Asked: May 27, 20222022-05-27T17:52:23+05:30 2022-05-27T17:52:23+05:30In: Wireless Connectivity
LoRa module communication failure issue
Hi, First check whether the SPI communication is successful, the successful sign is that the version value of the read chip is 0x12, the DIO0 pin is responsible for notifying the MCU that the reception is completed and check whether the DIO0 pin configuration is normal. The configuration parametersRead more
First check whether the SPI communication is successful, the successful sign is that the version value of the read chip is 0x12, the DIO0 pin is responsible for notifying the MCU that the reception is completed and check whether the DIO0 pin configuration is normal. The configuration parameters of LoRa should be consistent, including frequency, spreading factor, bandwidth, coding rate, preamble length, frequency hopping enable, syncword, and low-rate optimization; if one of the above parameters is different, communication cannot be performed.
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