I’m working on a circuit based on AiThinker ESP32-C3-13/ 13U- Kit and communicating the ESP32 kit with my computer through GPIO18 and GPIO19. The problem is when I open the COM port on my. In the net operation, MCU resets and boots itself. So I did some research and found out that the RTS pin is connected to the ESP32-C3 EN pin so when I open the port by my. Net operation on my computer to the ESP32 kit through the COM port, MCU gets a reset signal and reboot.
To answer this problem I set properties as below;
_serialPort.PortName = port; _serialPort.BaudRate = 115200; _serialPort.DtrEnable = true; _serialPort.RtsEnable = false; // Set the read/write timeouts _serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000; _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 1000; try { _serialPort.Open(); message = _serialPort.ReadLine(); if (message == "HELLO\r") { // device connected _serialPort.Close(); statusLabel.Text = "Cihaz bulundu"; return (port); } } Even though I disable RTS, MCU still resets and boots itself. I tried all combinations for the DtrEnable and RtsEnable properties. But the result did not change.
Anybody can help me to answer this issue?
Thank you
Hello, You should set handshake after setting property RtsEnable = true. Use properties as below:- _serialPort.RtsEnable = true; _serialPort.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSend; _serialPort.RtsEnable = false; Thank You
You should set handshake after setting property RtsEnable = true. Use properties as below:-
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