I’ve enforced OTA on ESP32 through WiFi by setting up server on ESP32, and likewise through WiFi by using http.
Now I want to do OTA with http but through GSM network.
I’ve enforced ESP32 SIM800L module communication to the pall, so my GSM connection is good.
Can any bone please let me know of an illustration for OTA on ESP32 through GSM?
There's no difference between doing it through GSM or wifi or ethernet, any http functions including OTA will just use whatever interface is configured. You should just have to run esp_https_ota( & config) nearly in your app and it'll work.
There’s no difference between doing it through GSM or wifi or ethernet, any http functions including OTA will just use whatever interface is configured.
See lessYou should just have to run esp_https_ota( & config) nearly in your app and it’ll work.