So I just plugged in my Eval kit. I’ve 12V in the barrel jack and am connected to the USB to my pc. When I exchange to the applicable port, I can apply the eval kit GUI to connect and ask for the Firmware version. It responds to 1.6 which should be right. But also the coming move is to modify the ID assignment to 1 and look at the D13 LED to light up. This doesn’t be. Indeed more confusingly, I see the D5 led (TX) light up also the D4 led (RX) light up. Shouldn’t it be backward? Eventually, It says the Ack light should turn green when I press configure IDs but it stays red. Am I missing a step? is 12 V 1 amp not enough power for this board?
Thank you
Hello, The X1 connector requires a 12V power force to power the low-voltage side of the board this includes the microcontroller. However, you also want to give power to the high-voltage side of the board (this includes the L9963E) in setup to power and give with the IC. Since you're just giving 12VRead more
The X1 connector requires a 12V power force to power the low-voltage side of the board this includes the microcontroller. However, you also want to give power to the high-voltage side of the board (this includes the L9963E) in setup to power and give with the IC. Since you’re just giving 12V to the uC, the behavior you’re viewing is normal the uC acknowledges and replies with the FW version. Since the L9963E isn’t powered on, it can not communicate, and so the uC continues to poll staying for an SPI response.
Please download the user manual available on our website and follow the muumuu configuration laid out in section 2.2, as well as the getting started companion( section 3). This will outline the way demanded to get the board up and streaming correctly. Specifically, supplying power to P2-> at a minimal P2- 15 (VBAT) and P2-9/23 (GND) should be connected to give 12V (or stack voltage) to the L9963E.
Thank You
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