Hi there!
I’m designing a PCB at the moment using the ESP32- C3-MINI-1.
One thing I’m wondering is, how to design the board in such a way, that I’m suitable to upload my application without pressing the boot and enable buttons without using an external USB to Serial CP 2102 or similar.
For the ESP32- WROOM- 32D it was possible to use a configuration of 2 transistors, which brought the ESP into upload mode.
I have not seen anything similar for the ESP32- C3- MINI without a USB to the serial- adapter.
How would this be achieved here?
I am thankful for any assistance.
Still, you would use exactly the same circuit but with IO0 replaced with IO0, If you were to use something like a CP2102 or other USB-serial chip. Still, you generally do not need the auto-reset circuit as that functionality is built-in If you are intending to use GPIO18/ 19 to program the ESP32C3 dRead more
Still, you would use exactly the same circuit but with IO0 replaced with IO0, If you were to use something like a CP2102 or other USB-serial chip.
Still, you generally do not need the auto-reset circuit as that functionality is built-in If you are intending to use GPIO18/ 19 to program the ESP32C3 directly. (But do note that you may want to have * some * way to manually put the C3 into download mode while developing if you do something that stops the internal USB-serial- JTAG from working, like accidentally configuring the USB pins as GPIOs).
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