I’m trying to come up with a system to perform wear leveling in the Dflash EEPROM (AURIX TC265).
After going through the user manual, example code, and a few other posts in this forum, the correct way of writing to Dflash is (Please correct this if it’s wrong)
1. Erase entire sector( 8KB)
2. Enter Page mode with the page address
3. Load data to be written
4. Write page/ write burst.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the needed amount of data is written to DFlash.
The data that I want to write to Dflash isn’t further than 32 bytes in total. So, I was looking for a technique to spread out these 32 bytes written in the logical sector( 8192 bytes) itself every time I need to store a new dataset. Is this possible? Or am I limited to spreading out my writes across sectors and not on the page level, as erase command works only on the sector level and not on the page level?
Hi Vikas. Yes, that is a common issue. You do not need to fill the whole sector at once; you can incrementally write pages until the industry is full. The tricky part is avoiding the erase disturb effect and dealing with the possibility of word line failures, as described in Robust EEPROM ERead more
Hi Vikas.
Yes, that is a common issue. You do not need to fill the whole sector at once; you can incrementally write pages until the industry is full.
The tricky part is avoiding the erase disturb effect and dealing with the possibility of word line failures, as described in Robust EEPROM Emulation on page 1000 of tc26xB_um_v1.3.pdf. For example, it’s impossible to have one set of static manufacturing data written once in DF0, and one set of dynamic data; all data must be periodically rewritten to avoid erasing disturbs.
Thank You
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