While working with the RH850F1x microcontroller family. I can’t find any online User Manual for each independent MCAL driver. How can I get access to it? For example, an old version(rev0.12 may 2016) of this document type for ADC is called: “AUTOSAR MCAL R3.2.2 and R4.0.03 User’s Manual ADC Driver Component Ver.1.9.1 Embedded User’s Manual Target Device: RH850F1x”.
Never mind, I found it nested in the software package. For other people's reference, the ADC MCAL manual was found in: Mcal_Rh850F1x\Supply\ASR_RH850_F1KM_4.02.00\X1X\F1x\modules\adc\user_manual .The pdf name was "R20UT3873EJ0102-AUTOSAR" making it harder to find in search.
Never mind, I found it nested in the software package. For other people’s reference, the ADC MCAL manual was found in: Mcal_Rh850F1x\Supply\ASR_RH850_F1KM_4.02.00\X1X\F1x\modules\adc\user_manual .The pdf name was “R20UT3873EJ0102-AUTOSAR” making it harder to find in search.
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